Home – UAE Free Zones
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The UAE has long been a global center for business, with its strategic location and favorable tax environment. Recently, the UAE has become an increasingly popular destination for companies looking to start new businesses and shops in a free zone. A free zone is a designated area where companies can operate without paying profit taxes.
The UAE has numerous free zones, each with its advantages. If you’re considering setting up shop in the UAE Free Zones, they’ve been a popular destination for businesses for many years. And with good reason: the country has a stable economy and offers a range of benefits to businesses, including access to free zones. A free zone is an area in the UAE where companies can operate without paying taxes on their profits. The UAE is an appealing destination for businesses from all over the world.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is home to many free zones and particular economic areas offering tax benefits and other incentives to businesses. Free zones promote economic development and foreign investment in the UAE. They provide a range of benefits to businesses, including:
Allows investors to trade in all kinds of products
Grants a time-limited authorization to perform industrial, commercial, or consulting activities
Allows law firms, accounting firms, and business consultancy firms to operate
Permits importing raw materials, manufacturing goods, and exporting finished products across global boundaries
Investors can avail this license to avail warehousing facilities on lease for distribution, packaging, and storage of goods.
Permits applicants for manufacturing products
UAE Free Zones Make setting up a business relatively easier. Duration and Paperwork are easy and minimum requirements in the free zone.
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